Browse Items
- 128 AD
- 150-250 AD
- 1896
- 1896 Olympic games
- 19th century Britain
- 19th century Olympic movement
- 1st-2nd century AD
- 2496-2483 BC
- 2nd c. AD
- 2nd c. BC
- 2nd century AD
- 316 BCE
- 364 BC
- 3rd cent. AD
- 420 BC
- 456 BC
- 4th century BC
- 580 BC
- 776
- 776 Olympics
- Abusir
- Abydos
- acceptance
- acclamation
- acclamations
- Achaia
- Achilles
- Achilleus
- acrobats
- acropolis
- Actian games
- activities
- AD 248
- adaptation
- Adjib
- administration of the Olympian sanctuary
- admission
- aedilis
- Aegean
- Aegina
- Aelius Aristides
- Aeschylus
- Aeschylus’ Agamemnon
- Aetolia
- Afrcia Proconsularis
- Africa
- Africa Proconsularis
- Africans
- Africanus
- afterlife
- Agariste
- age categories
- age classification
- age-categories at agones
- Aging
- agoge
- agon
- Agon Minervae
- agones
- agones in the classical period
- agonistic calendar
- agonistic culture
- agonistic defixiones
- agonistic explosion
- agonistic graffiti
- agonistic inscriptions
- agonistic metaphors
- agonistic symbolism
- agonistic vocabulary
- agonothesia
- agonothetes
- agora
- Agrippa I
- Aigai
- Ain Ghhazal
- Aizanoi
- Akhenaten
- Akrotiri
- Alcestis
- Alcibiades
- Alexander
- Alexander I
- Alexander I Macedonia at the Olympics
- Alexander the Great
- Alexandreia Troas
- Alexandria
- Alexandria Troas
- Alexandrian athletes
- Almachius
- Almachus
- alytarch
- alytarches
- amateurs
- Amenhotep III
- Amenophis
- Amenophis II
- Amenophis III
- Amisus (Asia Minor)
- Amphipolis
- amphitheater
- amphitheater of Rimini
- amphitheater Sabratha
- amphitheaters
- Anacharsis
- anachronism
- Anastasius
- Anatolia
- Anazarbos
- ancient and modern
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greece
- Ancient Greek sport
- ancient Greek sport.
- ancient Korea
- ancient Near East
- ancient Olympic Games
- ancient Olympics
- ancient sources
- ancient sport
- ancient Syria
- ancient world
- Andriake
- animal abuse
- animal bones
- animal hunts
- animal lift
- animal spectacles
- animals
- ankyle
- announcements
- Anthologia Palatina
- anthropology
- anti-athletic discourse
- Antinoeia
- Antinoopolis
- Antinoos
- Antioch
- Antiochia (Pisidia)
- Antoninia Pythia
- Antoninus Pius
- Apamea
- Aphrodisias
- Apion
- apobates
- Apollo
- Apollonius
- Apollonius of Rhodes
- Apuleius
- Apulia
- aquatic sports
- Aquileia
- Arcadia
- archaeology
- Archaic Athens
- Archaic Greece
- archaic period
- Archaic to Hellenistic period
- archaic to Roman imperial period
- Archelaus
- archeology
- archery
- archikynegos
- Archilochus
- architectural innovations
- architecture
- arena
- arena spectacles
- Ares
- arete
- Arezzo
- Argonautica
- Argos
- argues against link with Olympic games
- Aristis
- aristocracy
- aristocrats
- Aristonicus of Carystus
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- armament
- armed conflict as spectacle
- arms run
- Arrachion
- Arrian
- Arruntius Stella
- Arsinoe
- Arsinoeia
- Arsinoites
- art
- art history
- Artemidorus
- Artemis
- artistic representation
- artists
- Asia
- Asia Minor
- Aspis
- Assiut
- association of hieronikai
- associations
- Astylos
- Atalante
- Athenaeus
- Atheneian ephebeia
- Athenian ephebate
- Athenian politics
- Athenian vase paintings
- Athens
- athlete
- athletes
- athletes Aelius Maron
- athletes in Roman law
- athletic association
- athletic associations
- athletic body
- athletic contests
- athletic events
- athletic guilds
- athletic ideals
- athletic injuries
- athletic market
- athletic metaphor
- athletic metaphors
- athletic metaphors in Christian works
- athletic scenes
- athletic training
- athletic victory
- athletics
- Attalids
- Attalos
- Attalus
- attic pottery
- attic vases
- audience
- audiences
- Augst
- Augusta Emerita
- Augusta Traiana
- Augustine
- Augustus
- Aurelius Epaphrodeitos
- Ausonius
- Autolykus
- auxiliary Forts
- Avaris
- Bab edh-Dhra
- Babylonia
- Bacchylides
- Baetica
- Baiae
- Bakchylides
- Balkans
- ball game
- ball games
- ball sports
- balnea
- bank
- banquets
- barbarians
- Barbilleia
- Basileia
- Basilius
- Batavia
- bath
- bathing
- Bathing in the Roman world
- baths
- baths of Musiciolus
- battle of Plataea
- battles
- beasthunters
- beauty
- beauty ideal in Ancient Egypt
- Beit She’an
- benefactors
- Beni Hasan
- Berenice
- Berenices
- Berenike
- Berlin 1936
- Beroia
- betrothal
- bible
- bibliography
- biga
- bird hunt
- Black Sea
- bloodshed
- Blues
- board game
- board games
- board games based on circus games
- boardgames
- boat-races
- bodily culture
- body
- bodybuilder
- Boeotian
- Boiotia
- boxer
- boxers
- boxing
- boxing glove
- boys
- bribing
- bronze age
- bronze age greece
- bronze decorations
- bronze sheet
- bronze statue
- bronze vase
- bronze-age depictions of sport
- brutality
- bull
- bull fighting
- bull hunt
- bull jumping
- bull-fighting
- bull-hunting
- bull-leaping
- bull-riding
- bullfighting
- bulls
- Byzantium
- Caesarea Maritima
- caestus
- calendar
- Calliads
- Callicratidas
- Callimachus
- Callinicus of Rufiniana
- Campania
- campus
- campus martius
- Capitolia
- Capsa
- Caracalla
- Carnuntum
- Cartagena
- Carthage
- Casseia
- Cassianus
- Cassiodorus
- Cassius Dio
- cause of death
- cemettery
- Central and East Asia.
- central Asia
- Central Greece
- ceramics
- ceremony
- Chairon of Pallene
- Chalcedon
- change
- chariot
- chariot models
- chariot race
- chariot races
- chariot racing
- chariot-racing
- chariot-racing metaphors
- charioteer
- charioteers
- chariots
- cheating
- childhood
- children’s games
- children’s toys
- China
- chinese literature
- Chionis
- Chionis of Sparta
- Chiusi
- choral dancing
- choral poetry
- chrematitic
- Christian attitudes
- christian authors
- Christian literature
- Christian metaphors
- christianity
- Christianization
- Christians
- church fathers
- Cibyra
- Cicero
- Cilicia
- Cimon
- circus
- circus faction
- circus factions
- circus games
- circus maximum
- circus maximus
- circus program
- Cisalpina
- cisalpine Gaul
- cities
- citizenship
- citizenships
- city
- city walls
- classical and Hellenistic statues
- classical antiquity
- Classical Athens
- classical Greece
- classical period
- classical philology
- classical reception
- clothes
- clothing
- coaching
- cock fighting
- cockfight
- Codex Justinianus
- codex theodosianus
- coercion
- coin
- coinage
- coins
- Colloseum
- colosseum
- combat
- combat sport
- combat sports
- combative sports
- comedies
- Commodus
- community-sanctioned spectacle
- competing according to regulations
- competing monuments
- competition
- Competition of suitors
- competitions
- competitiveness
- concept of Agonism
- conflicts within fifth-century medicine
- Conimbriga
- connection between warfare and athletes
- Constantine
- Constantine Manasses
- Constantinople
- Constantius
- consul
- consumption
- contest
- contests
- context of performance
- contorniate
- contract to lose
- contrast Greek and Roman
- Cordoba
- Corinna
- corruption
- Cos
- Cratinus
- Crete
- criticism
- criticism of spectacles
- critics
- critique
- Croatia
- crossbow
- Croton
- crowd
- crowd behavior
- crown games
- crowns
- Cuenca
- cult
- cult statue
- cults
- cultural contact
- culture
- curia athletarum
- curse
- curse tablet
- curse tablets
- cursores
- Cyprian
- Cyprus
- Cyrenaica
- Cyrene
- Cyrus
- Dacia
- damnatio ad bestias
- Damonon
- dance
- dancers
- dancing
- dancing in Ancient Egypt
- Danube
- Dark Ages
- date
- date of establishment
- date of introduction
- date of introduction ca. 580 BC
- Date of the first Pythian Games
- dating
- De ceremoniis
- De Spectaculis
- death
- death in pankration match
- death of Julius Caesar
- decennalia
- decline
- decline of athletics
- dedications
- defeat
- defixio
- defixiones
- deformity
- Deinomenids
- Deinomids
- Delos
- Delphi
- Demeter
- democracy
- democratization
- Demostheneia at Oenoanda
- Demosthenes
- Dendra
- depictions
- depictions of sports in Egyptian pharaonic tombs
- depiictions of famous charioteers and of quadrigas
- desultores
- diaitater
- diaulos
- Didymeia
- Dio
- Dio Chrysostom
- Dio Chrysostomus
- Diocletian
- Diodorus
- Dionysia
- Dionysian artists
- Dionysius Chalcus
- Dionysius of Halicarnassus
- Dioscorus of Aphrodito
- diptych
- Dipylon Oinochoe
- disciplines
- discourse on sport
- discus
- disinterest by sophists
- Diskophoros
- distance of the ancient Greek javelin throw
- distance of the javelin throw
- diving
- Djoser
- Dodona
- dolichos
- Domitian
- Domitian’s stadium
- donations for games
- donations of oil
- dorea
- drama
- drawing
- drawings of 1700-1900
- draws
- dream
- dromos
- duel
- Durazzo
- early iron age vase paintings
- early Olympia
- early Olympic victors
- early Roman victors in Greek agones
- Early wrestling rituals in China
- East
- Écija (Sevilla)
- economic factors
- economic perspectives
- economy
- ecumenical associations
- education
- education of paides
- egalitarian relations
- Egypt
- egyptian competition
- eiselasis
- eiselastic games
- El Amarna
- Elagabalus
- Elean politics
- elephants
- Eleusinia
- Eleutheria
- Elis
- elite
- elite sponsoring
- Emilia-Romagna
- Emmenids
- Emmonidea-Agon
- emperor
- end
- end of gladiator fights
- end of gladiatorial games
- end of olympic games
- end of the Olympic Games
- entertainment
- entertainment structures
- enthusiasm and emotions of the crowd
- Epharmostos
- ephebate
- ephebe
- ephebeia
- ephebes
- Ephesos
- Ephesus
- epic
- epic poetry
- Epicharmus
- Epidauros
- epigram
- epigrams
- epigraphic evidence
- epigraphic sources
- epigraphy
- epinician
- epinician poetry
- epinician poetry performance
- epinikia
- Episkyros
- Epitaphia
- equestrian
- equestrian sports
- equestrianism
- Erechteion
- Erechteus
- Eretria
- Ergoteles of Himera
- eros
- Erythrai
- ethnic and political identities
- ethnicity
- Etruria
- etruscan
- Etruscan chariot racing
- Etruscan sport
- Etruscans
- euergetism
- Euripides
- Eusebius
- Euthymos
- excavation
- excavations
- excavations at Olympia
- excavations Mt. Lykaion
- executions
- factions
- fair play
- fairground
- falconry
- family and descendants of victors
- family of victors
- father
- Fayoum
- feasting
- female athletes
- female bodily culture
- female champion
- female champions
- female gladiators
- female participation
- female sport
- fencing
- festivals
- festivities in pre-archaic times
- fighting
- finances
- finances of agones
- financial situation of games
- financing agones
- financing games
- financing of the games
- finish
- first century BC
- first Olympics
- fishing
- fishing and bird hunting in Egypt
- fishing in Ancient Egypt
- fitness
- Flamininus
- Flavillianus
- Flavius Josephus
- flogging rite
- food
- foot race
- footrace
- Forvas
- foundation of Nemean games
- foundation of Olympic games
- foundation of the Olympic games
- fragmentary Athenian inscription
- Fréjus
- Frontinus
- function
- function of eisagogeus
- funding
- funeral ceremony
- funeral games
- funeral games of Patroclus
- funeral rites
- funerary games
- funerary inscription
- funerary inscription from Misenum
- funerary inscriptions
- funerary monuments
- funerary reliefs
- funerary stelae
- Galen
- Galenus
- Galilea
- Gallia Narbonnensis
- Gallienus
- game
- game theory
- games
- games in Ancient Egypt
- games of Herod
- Gardiner
- Gaul
- gender
- Gerasa
- Germania inferior
- Gilgamesh
- girls
- gladiator
- gladiator Dareios
- gladiator fights
- gladiator school
- gladiatorial combat
- gladiatorial combats
- gladiators
- globalization
- gloria
- gluttony
- goat hunt
- Gordianus
- graffiti
- grave
- Greece
- Greek amateurism
- Greek and Roman sport
- Greek art
- Greek athletes
- Greek athletics
- Greek athletics in Rome
- Greek boxing
- Greek cities
- Greek combat sports
- Greek East
- Greek gods and their interference in competitions
- Greek gymnasion
- Greek identity
- Greek literature
- Greek sport
- Greek sport contests
- Greek vase painting
- Greek west
- Greekness
- Greens
- Gregory of Nazianzus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- gymnasia in Rome
- gymnasiarch
- gymnasiarchs
- gymnasiarchy
- gymnasion
- gymnasium
- gymnasium as architectural space for rhetoric
- Gymnasticus
- Hadrian
- Hadrianus
- Hadrumentum
- Hadrumetum
- Hagesias of Syracuse
- hagiography
- Hasmoneans
- Hawaii
- health
- Hebrew gospel
- Hekatomboia
- hellanodikai
- hellanodikes
- Hellenism
- Hellenistic
- Hellenistic age
- Hellenistic and Roman period.
- Hellenistic Beotia
- Hellenistic Egypt
- Hellenistic epigrams
- Hellenistic monarchs
- Hellenistic period
- Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity
- hellenistic victors
- helmet
- helmets
- hemerodromos
- Hera
- Heracles
- Heracles as founder of the Olympic games
- Heraia
- Heraia games
- heralds
- Hermes
- Hermokrates
- Hermopolis
- Hermupolis
- hero cult
- Herodes Antipas
- Herodes Atticus
- Herodotos of Thebes
- Herodotus
- heroes
- heroization
- heroization of athletes
- herolds
- Herulians
- Hesiod
- Hestia
- Hierapolis
- Hieron
- hieronikai
- Hieronymus
- Hippias of Elis
- hippika
- hippo-stadium
- Hippocrates
- Hippocratic corpus
- hippodrome
- Hispania
- Histiaia
- historiography
- history
- Hittites
- Homer
- Homeric epics
- homeric hymn
- homoerotic relations
- honor
- honors and rewards for victorious athletes
- hoplite agon
- hoplitodromos
- Horace
- horse
- horse race
- horse races
- horse racing
- horses
- horses in islamic art
- human sacrifices
- Hungary
- hunt
- hunting
- hydria
- hygiene
- Hyksos
- Hypatius
- hypothetical identification of Egyptian agonistic Balbilleia
- hysplex
- Iamid
- Iantinum
- Iasos
- Iberia
- iberian peninsula
- Ibycus
- iconography
- iconography for young people
- iconograpy
- ideal body
- identity
- ideology
- Iliad
- Ilias
- Ilion
- image of the ageless athlete
- immportality
- impact on politics
- imperial age
- imperial cult
- imperial period
- imperial permission
- imperial policy
- imperial supervision and involvement
- imperial-age inscriptions
- infamia
- infibulation
- inflation
- infrastructure for spectacles
- initiation rituals
- inscription
- inscriptions
- inscriptions as archives
- integration
- intellectuals
- Interbellum
- international law
- interstate sanctuaries
- introduction
- introduction on literary representation of athletics
- invocation of corpse demons
- Iran
- Iraq
- Isolympian games
- Israel
- Isthmia
- Isthmian games
- Italy
- IvO 166
- Japan
- Jason
- javelin
- Jericho
- Jerome
- Jerusalem
- Jewish attitudes towards sports
- Jewish culture
- Jewish sources
- jews
- jockeys
- John Chrysostom
- John Malalas
- Jordan
- Jordania
- Josephus
- judges
- Julian
- jumping
- Justinian
- Justus Lipsius
- Kadesh
- Kadıköy
- kalathiskos dance
- kalokagathia
- kalos-inscriptions
- Kāmid el-Lōz
- Kapitolia
- Khirbet Kharhasan
- Kibyra
- king Otto I
- kings
- kithara
- Klaudeia
- Kleisthenes of Sikyon
- Kleomedes
- Kleonai
- knife handle
- Knossos
- knucklebones
- koinon Asias
- komast dancers
- komos
- Korea
- Kos
- kosmetes
- kudos
- Kyniska
- Kypselos
- Kyrene
- Ladas
- Lamian war
- landscaping
- Laodicea
- Larisa
- Larissa
- late antiquity
- Late Antiqutiy
- late Hellenistic period
- late Ptolemaic or early Roman
- late-antique state
- law
- lead tablet
- Lebanon
- lebetes
- legal sources
- leisure
- Lenaia
- length of the running race
- Leo I
- Leon of Sparta
- Leonidaion
- Leptis Magna
- letter-poem
- Letters of Hadrian
- lettres of Paul
- Levant
- lex sacra from the sixth century
- Libanius
- Libanon
- Libya
- Lichas
- Lichas of Sparta
- list of participants
- literature
- liturgies
- liturgy
- Livy
- loans
- local games
- location
- Locris
- logistics
- Lokroi Epizephyrioi
- London
- long jump
- losers
- losing
- Lucania
- Lucian
- Lucillius
- ludi
- ludi saeculares
- ludus
- Ludwig Drees
- Lugdunum
- Lusitania
- Lutetia
- Lycia
- Lykaia
- lyric
- M. A. Eutuchyion
- M. Aur. Nikomachos hieronikes
- M. Aurelius Abas
- M. Volteius
- Macedonia
- Mactar
- Magerius mosaic
- magic
- Magnesia
- Mahabharata
- Marathon
- marathon race
- Marc Antony
- maritime contests
- marsh
- Martial
- martyrdom
- martyrs
- masculinity
- Mauretania
- media
- medical findings
- medical papyrus
- medicine
- Medinet Habu
- Melancomas
- Melankomas
- memory
- Memphis
- Menas of Sestos
- Mercuriale
- Mercurius
- Mérida
- Meroe
- Meso-America
- Mesopotamia
- Messene
- metaphor
- metaphor for the difficulty and shortness of life
- Metroon
- Metropolis (Ionia)
- Michael Hagiotheodorites
- Middle East
- Miletus
- military training
- Milon
- Milon of Croton
- mime
- mimes
- Minoans
- Minoans and Egypt
- Minotaur
- Mithras
- Mithridatic wars
- modern athletes
- modern Greece
- modern Olympic Games
- modern Olympics
- modern reception
- modern reception of ancient Greek sport
- money
- Mongolia
- Mongolian epos
- monumental crowns
- monuments
- mosaic
- mosaics
- Mount Lykaion
- Mouseia
- multiple athletes on one base
- Mummius
- munera
- munus
- music
- musical agones
- Mycenae
- Mycenaean palaces
- Mycenaeans
- Mycenaens
- Myron’s Discobolus
- myth
- mythological enactments
- mythological narrative
- mythologized hero
- mythology
- myths
- Mytilene and Cyrene
- Naia
- nationalistic ideology
- naumachia
- naval contests
- Near East
- Neferhotep
- negative image of aging in lyric poetry
- Nemea
- Nemea hippodrome
- Nemea stadion
- Nemean games
- neoi
- neokoros
- Nero
- net
- network
- networks
- Nicopolis
- Nietzsche
- Nike
- nikephoros
- Nikopolis
- Nîmes
- no wolves in venationes
- Nonnos of Panopolis
- Nonnus
- Nonnus of Panopolis
- Noricum
- North Africa
- Northern Africa
- northern Italy
- notes on P.Oxy. 79
- Nubia
- nudity
- number of agones
- Numidia
- Nysa
- Nysa on the Meander
- obelisk
- obelisk of Antinoos
- obsonia
- odes
- Odysseus
- Odyssey
- Oenoanda
- offerings
- officials
- ohilosophy
- oikoumene
- oikoumenikos
- oil
- oil lamps
- Oinoanda
- old kingdom
- oldest agon?
- Olympia
- Olympia inscriptions
- Olympian 1
- Olympian 4
- Olympic flame
- Olympic Games
- Olympic Games 1896
- Olympic Games 300 BC
- Olympic games 420 BC
- Olympic games Antioch
- Olympic Games foundation
- Olympic games in the dark ages
- Olympic games of Chalcedon
- Olympic oath
- Olympic peace
- olympic spirit
- Olympic victors
- Olympic victory
- Olympics
- Olympics ancient and modern
- Olypic judges
- open spaces
- oracle of Bes
- organisation
- organization
- organizers
- organizers of agones
- organizers of the Olympic Games
- orient
- Origen
- origin
- origin of modern circus
- origin of Olympia
- origin of Olympic Games
- origin of pederasty
- origin of sport
- original meaning of gladiatorial games
- origins
- origins of the Olympic games
- Orsippos
- Orthia
- Ostia
- Ostrogoths
- Ovid
- Oxyrhynchos
- Oxyrhynchus
- Padova
- Padua
- Paestum
- pagan games
- paganism
- pagans
- paideia
- paides
- paidotribai
- pain
- painted inscriptions
- painting
- paintings
- pairs
- Pakistan
- palaestrita
- palaistra
- palaistra scenes
- Palestine
- Palmyra
- pammachon
- pan-hellenism
- Panathanaia
- Panathenaia
- Panathenaia 282/1 BC
- Panathenaic amphora
- Panathenaic amphoras
- Panathenaic amphoras 312/1 BC
- Panathenaic games
- pancratiast
- pancration
- panegyrics
- Panhellenic contests
- panhellenic festivals
- Panhellenic games
- panhellenic sanctuaries
- Panhellenic victories
- Panhellenic victors
- Panhellenion
- panhellenism
- pankration
- pankration between Herakles and Archeloos
- Pannonia
- Panopolis
- Pantheides of Ceos and his medical skills
- pantomime
- papyrology
- papyrus
- papyrus festival calendar
- paramilitary
- parentalia
- Paris
- participants
- Participation of Magnesia on the Meander
- participation of women
- pastoral
- Patara
- Patras
- patristics
- patrons
- patrons of epinician poetry
- Paul
- Paulinus of Nola
- Pausanias
- Pavia
- peace
- pederasty
- pedimental sculptures
- Peisistratos
- Peisistratus
- Peloponnes
- Peloponnese
- Peloponnesian War
- Pelops
- pentahlon
- Pentapolis
- pentathlete
- pentathlon
- people
- perceptions of ancient sport
- performance
- performance cohort
- Pergamon
- Pergamum
- Perge
- Periodicity
- periodonikai
- periodonikes
- periodos
- Perpetua
- Persia
- Persian wars
- Petronius
- Phaedrus
- Phersu
- Philip II
- philosophy
- Philostratos
- Philostratus
- Philostratus pankration
- Phoenicians
- Phyrgia
- physical education
- physical training
- Pi-Ramesses
- Piazza Armerina
- Pierre de Coubertin
- Pindar
- Pindar Olympian 3
- Pisa
- Plato
- Plato Comicus
- Pliny the Younger
- Plutarch
- Po valley
- poetry
- policemen of the Olympic Games
- polis
- polis identity
- political culture
- politics
- Pollux
- Polycarp
- Polykleites
- Polynesia
- Polynices
- Pompei
- Pompeii
- Pontos
- Porphyrius
- Poseidon
- Posidippus
- Possidippus
- pottery
- Poulydamas
- power relations
- practical tests
- practices
- Praxiteles
- pre-archaic games
- pre-archaic Olympics
- pre-hellenic Greece
- pre-hellenic sports
- prehistoric Olympia
- presbyteroi
- Priene
- private baths
- privileges
- privileges for victorious athletes
- prize
- prize amphora
- prize crowns
- prize-money
- prizes
- pro-Roman cults
- procession
- Proclus
- professionalism
- program
- program of the Olympic games
- Propertius
- proverbs
- proxenos
- Prytaneion
- Psaumis
- Pseudo-Dionysius
- pseudo-Martyrius
- Ptoia
- Ptolemaic Egypt
- Ptolemaic kings
- Ptolemais
- Ptolemies
- public spaces
- punishment
- pyramid of Djoser
- pyramids of the Egyptian King Sahure
- pyrrhic
- pyrrhic dance
- pyrrhiche
- Pythagoras
- Pythia
- Pythian games
- pythian victors
- pythian victory
- quadriga
- qualification
- qualities of athletes
- quinquennalia
- Quintilian
- Quintilianus
- Quintillian
- Qusayr'Amra
- race in armor
- race-in-armor
- racetrack
- racing
- Ramesseum
- Ramses
- Ramses II
- reception
- reception in modern Greece
- reception of ancient sport
- reception of Greek sport
- reconstructions
- records
- regatta
- reign of Augustus
- reinterpretation of “swimming” hieroglyph
- relief
- reliefs
- Religion
- religious dedications
- remedial gymnastics
- representations of victory
- restauration
- restrictions on aristocratic participation
- reuse
- revival by Augustus
- rewards
- Rhodes
- riding
- riot
- riots
- ritual
- rituals
- role of the emperor
- Roman
- Roman Africa
- Roman arena spectacles
- Roman arena sports
- Roman Asia Minor
- Roman authors
- Roman chariot racing
- Roman chariots
- Roman citizenship
- Roman East
- Roman Egypt
- Roman emperor
- Roman empire
- Roman games
- Roman gladiators
- Roman imperial period
- Roman Italy
- Roman lamp
- Roman law
- Roman legislation
- Roman names of athletes
- Roman North Africa
- Roman Olympics
- Roman Peloponnese
- Roman perception of athletics
- Roman period
- Roman Republic
- Roman sarcophagus
- Roman spectacles
- Roman sport
- Roman sports/spectacles
- Roman villa Noheda
- Roman West
- Roman world
- Roman-style athletics
- romanisation
- Romanization
- Romans
- Rome
- Rome (city)
- roosters
- rope climbing
- rowing
- rowing women
- royal ideology
- royals
- Rufius Festus
- rugby
- ruler cult
- ruler cults
- runner
- Runners
- running
- sacred truce
- sacrifice
- Sai island
- Saint John Chrysostom
- Saint Paul
- Saint Telemachus
- Saint-Romain-en-Gal
- Salamis
- Salvian
- Samos
- sanctuaries
- sanctuary
- sanctuary at Olympia
- sanctuary in Olympia
- Santa Vitória do Ameixial
- Saqqara
- Saragossa
- Sardinia
- Sardis
- satire
- Satyr play
- satyr plays
- Satyric drama
- satyrs
- scarab
- schedule
- Schliemann
- scholia
- scoring
- sculptures
- seats
- Sebasta
- secular
- Segobriga
- Seleukids
- self-representation
- semi-positive image of aging in epinician
- senators
- Seneca
- Senlis
- Septimius Severus
- Serbia
- Sesostris I
- Severan Period
- Severus of Antioch
- Sexuality
- Sha'ar HaAmakim
- shield of Herakles
- ship
- ships
- Shulgi
- Sicilian tyrants
- Sicily
- Side
- Sidon
- Sidonius Apollinaris
- sigillata
- Sikyon
- silver tableware
- Simon of Athens
- Simonides
- single combat fighting
- Sitia
- slave revolt
- slaves
- Smyrna
- social hierarchy
- social psychology
- social role
- social role of sport
- social standing
- social status
- social status of athletes
- socialization
- Socrates
- sodalitas
- Solomon
- Sophocles
- Soteria
- sources
- sources on boxing
- sources on wrestling
- Southern Italy
- space
- Spain
- Sparta
- Spartacus
- Spartan agoge
- Spartan exclusion from the Olympics
- Spartan festivals
- Spartans
- spatial turn
- spectaces
- spectacle
- spectacle culture
- spectacles
- spectacles in literature
- spectaculum
- spectators
- sport
- sport and democratization
- sport and leisure
- sport and war
- Sport and women
- sport in epinician poetry
- sport in Mesopotamia
- sport in Sparta
- sport metaphor
- sport participation
- sport popularity
- sport venues
- sporting events
- sports and war
- sports in Ancient Egypt
- sportulae
- spread in the East
- St. Basil
- stadia
- stadion
- stadium
- stadium of Olympia
- stadium-theater
- start
- starting lines
- Statius
- statue
- statue of a boxer
- statue of Zeus
- statues
- statues of victors
- statuette
- status
- step pyramid
- stephanitic
- Stesichorus
- strigils
- subterranean structures
- Sudan
- Suetonius
- suiters
- Sumer
- summa rudis
- Susa
- swimming
- Sybaris
- symbols
- Syme
- symposion
- synod
- synods
- Syracusan tyrants
- Syracuse
- Syria
- T Flavius Theodotus
- Tacitus
- Tanagra
- Tarentium
- Tarentum
- Tarraco
- Tarraconensis
- taurokathapsia
- team sport
- team sports
- technitai
- technology
- Tell el Dab’a
- Tell el-Dab’a
- Tell el-Dabca
- temple of Zeus
- temporary amphitheaters
- temporary spectacle buildings
- terminology
- terracotta figurines
- Tertullian
- tethrippon
- Thea
- Theagenes
- theater
- theatre
- Thebes
- Thebes (Egypt)
- themis
- Theocritus
- Theodosius
- Theodosius I
- Theodosius I and II
- theokolos
- theoria
- theorodokia
- theorodokoi
- theoroi
- theoros
- Thera
- thermae
- Theron of Akragas
- Theseia
- Theseus
- Thespies
- Thessaloniki
- Thessaly
- Theveste
- Thmuis
- Thrace
- Thrasydaioa
- Thucydides
- Thucydides 5.49-50
- Tibet
- Tiryns
- Tlos
- Tolosa
- tomb
- tomb of Methethi
- tomb of Tutankhamun
- tombs
- tombstone for gladiator
- topography
- torch
- torch race
- torch relay
- torch-racing
- Toulouse
- Tours
- toys
- Trachinie
- trade
- tragedy
- Traianeia Deiphileia
- trainer
- trainers
- training
- training of horses
- Trajan
- Tralleis
- transport
- transregional festivals
- travelling athletes
- triastes
- Trier
- Trieste
- Triga
- triumphal arch
- Troas
- Tunisia
- Tutanchamun
- Tutankhamun
- Tuthmosis IV
- types
- types of gladiators
- tyrants
- Tyre
- Tyrtaeus
- Ugarit
- Ulpius Domesticus
- Umbria
- Umm El-Qaab necropolis
- Ur
- Urartu
- Uruk
- Valencia
- Valerius Flaccus
- Vandal kingdom
- Vandals
- vases
- vaulted corridor
- venatio
- venationes
- venatores
- Venetia
- Venice
- venues
- Vergina
- viability
- victimization of animals
- victor
- victor epigram of Diotimos
- victor inscriptions of the Kroneia
- victor lists
- victors
- victors list
- victors lists
- victory
- victory crowns
- Victory list from Cos
- Vienna
- viewpoint
- Villa in Herera
- Villa in Los Villares
- Villa Noheda
- Villar de Domingo García
- Vindonissa
- violence
- violent fights
- Virgil
- virtue
- virtus
- vision of Perpetua
- visitors
- Vitellius
- Vitruvius
- vocabulary
- vocabulary for games
- wall painting
- wall paintings
- war
- war in ancient sport
- warfare
- ways of looking
- weapons
- Wei-Jin China
- weightlifting
- weights
- wellness
- West
- Western Asia
- western Asia Minor
- western Greeks
- western provinces
- western Roman Empire
- whip
- woman
- women
- Women and sport
- women and sports
- women and wrestling in ancient Egypt
- women’s sport
- wrestler
- wrestlers
- wrestling
- wrestling in Ancient Egypt
- Xanthos
- Xenophanes
- Xenophon
- xystarch
- xystic synod
- youth
- Zappas Olympics
- Zaragoza
- Zenon
- Zeus
- Zliten