1 - 10 of 10 resultsYou searched for: Tags: women's bodies✖TableIndex DetailsType / Subject TitleType 102550100200 Type Subject Identifier Title Medicine, health adviceHippocrates, De morbis mulierum 1.11: exercise as part of a treatment regimenHippocrates, De morbis mulierum 1.11: exercise as part of a treatment regimenHippocrates, De morbis mulierum 1.11: exercise as part of a treatment regimenType:Medicine, health advicePolitical Philosophy Plato, De Re Publica 451e-452c: female athletics in Plato’s ideal statePlato, De Re Publica 451e-452c: female athletics in Plato’s ideal statePlato, De Re Publica 451e-452c: female athletics in Plato’s ideal stateType:Political Philosophy Plato, De Re Publica 457a–b: female athletics in Plato’s ideal statePlato, De Re Publica 457a–b: female athletics in Plato’s ideal statePlato, De Re Publica 457a–b: female athletics in Plato’s ideal statePolitical Philosophy Plato, Leges 789a-790a: female athletics in Plato’s political theoryPlato, Leges 789a-790a: female athletics in Plato’s political theoryPlato, Leges 789a-790a: female athletics in Plato’s political theoryType:Political Philosophy Historical AnecdotesPlutarchus, Apophthegmata Laconica, Lycurgus 12 (Mor. 227d): Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaPlutarchus, Apophthegmata Laconica, Lycurgus 12 (Mor. 227d): Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaPlutarchus, Apophthegmata Laconica, Lycurgus 12 (Mor. 227d): Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaType:Historical AnecdotesLetterPseudo-Crates, Epistula 33.1: the effect of exercise on pregnancies and laborPseudo-Crates, Epistula 33.1: the effect of exercise on pregnancies and laborPseudo-Crates, Epistula 33.1: the effect of exercise on pregnancies and laborType:LetterMedicine, health adviceSoranus, Gynaecia 1.22–23: effect of exercise on the mensesSoranus, <span>Gynaecia</span> 1.22–23: effect of exercise on the mensesSoranus, <span>Gynaecia</span> 1.22–23: effect of exercise on the mensesType:Medicine, health advicetreatise on economics Xenophon, Oeconomicus 10.11: appropriate forms of female exerciseXenophon, Oeconomicus 10.11: appropriate forms of female exerciseXenophon, Oeconomicus 10.11: appropriate forms of female exerciseType:treatise on economics Political philosophyXenophon, Res Publica Lacedaemoniorum 1.3-4: Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaXenophon, Res Publica Lacedaemoniorum 1.3-4: Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaXenophon, Res Publica Lacedaemoniorum 1.3-4: Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaType:Political philosophyPhilosophical treatiseXenophon, Symposium 2.7-11 and 7.2-5: girls performing at the SymposiumXenophon, Symposium 2.7-11 and 7.2-5: girls performing at the SymposiumXenophon, Symposium 2.7-11 and 7.2-5: girls performing at the SymposiumType:Philosophical treatise