This bibliography contains the essential literature on ancient Greek women’s activities in the world of sports. It includes general overviews of the topic as a whole, general overviews of select aspects, and specialized studies on specific questions.
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- Berard, C. (1986), L’impossible femme athlète, in: Annali di Archeologia e Storia Antica 8, 195–202.
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- Braunstein, O. (1911), Die politische Wirksamkeit der griechischen Frau. Eine Nachwirkung vorgriechischen Mutterrechts, Diss. Leipzig.
- Buhmann, H. (1989), Frauensport im alten Griechenland, in: Anregung. Zeitschrift für Gymnasialpädagogik 35, 107–114.
- Casarico, L. (1982), Donne ginnasiarco (a proposito di P. Med. inv. 69.01), in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 48, 117–123.
- Crowther, N. (2014), Observations on Boys, Girls, Youths and Age Categories in Roman Sports and Spectacles, in: Z. Papakonstantinou (ed.), Sport in the Cultures of the Ancient World. New Perspectives, London – New York, 195–216.
- des Bouvrie, S. (1995): Gender and the Games at Olympia, in: B. Berggreen – N. Marinatos (eds.), Greece and Gender, Bergen, 55–74.
- Dillon, M. (2000), Did Parthenoi Attend the Olympic Games? Girls and Women Competing, Spectating, and Carrying out Cult Roles at Greek Religious Festivals, in: Hermes 128, 457–480.
- Frass, M. (1997), Gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz „sportlicher“ Frauen in der Antike, in: Nikephoros 10, 119–133.
- Frass, M. (2012), Female Sports in Classical Greece, in: W. Petermandl – C. Ulf (eds.), Youth - Sport - Olympic Games. Nikephoros Special Issue, Hildesheim, 95–101.
- Frei-Stolba, R. (1998), Frauen als Stifterinnen von Spielen, Stadion 24.1, 115–128.
- Garello, F. – A. Teja (2001), Ancient Greece, in: K. Christensen – A. Guttmann (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Women and Sport I, Great Barrington, 475–477.
- Gartziou-Tatti, A. (2019), Peplos of Hera and the Council of Sixteen Women of Elis, in: E. Koulakiotis – C. Dunn (eds.), Political Religions in the Greco-Roman World: Discourses, Practices and Images, London, 204–224.
- Guttmann, A. (1991), Women’s Sports. A History, New York.
- Herrmann, M. (1992), Zur Frau als Zuschauerin bei Wettkämpfen in römischer Zeit, in: Nikephoros 5, 85–102.
- Ingalls, W.B. (2000), Ritual Performance as Training for Daughters in Archaic Greece, in: Phoenix 54, 1–20.
- Kertész, I. (2001), The First Female Olympic Champion, in: I. Mészáros (ed.), Kalokagathia. Review of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Budapest, 53–58.
- Kratzmüller, B. (2002), ‘Frauensport’ im antiken Athen?, in: W. Buss – A. Krüger (eds.), Transformations: Continuity and Change in Sport History I, Hoya, 171–181.
- Kyle, D. (2003), ‘The Only Woman in All Greece’: Kyniska, Agesilaus, Alcibiades and Olympia, in: Journal of Sport History 30, 183–203.
- Kyle, D. (2007), Fabulous Females and Ancient Olympia, in: G.P. Schaus – S. R. Wenn (eds.), Onward to the Olympics: Historical Perspectives on the Olympic Games, Waterloo, 131–52.
- Kyle, D. (2014), Greek Female Sport. Rites, Running, and Racing, in: D. Kyle – P. Christesen (eds.), A Companion to Sport and Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity, Malden – Oxford – Chichester 2014, 258–275.
- Kyle, I. W. (1902), The Maiden’s Race on Attic Vases, in: American Journal of Archaeology 6, 53.
- Lämmer, M. (1981), Women and Sport in Ancient Greece. A Plea for a Critical and Objective Approach, in: J. Borms et al. (eds.), Women and Sport. A Historical, Biological, Physiological and Sportsmedical Approach, New York, 16–23.
- Langenfeld, H. (2006), Olympia – Zentrum des Frauensports in der Antike? Die Mädchen-Wettläufe beim Hera-Fest in Olympia, in: Nikephoros 19, 153–185.
- Lee, H. (1984), Athletics and the Bikini Girls from Piazza Armerina, Stadion 10, 45–76.
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- Mauritsch, P. – I. Weiler (2001), Mythology, in: K. Christensen – A. Guttmann (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Women and Sport II, Great Barrington, 777–782.
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