1 - 4 of 4 resultsYou searched for: Tags: parents✖TableIndex DetailsType / Subject TitleType 102550100200 Type Subject Identifier Title honorary inscriptionFD III 1, 534: victory inscription of the sisters Dionysia, Hedea and TryphosaFD III 1, 534: victory inscription of the sisters Dionysia, Hedea and Tryphosa FD III 1, 534: victory inscription of the sisters Dionysia, Hedea and Tryphosa Type:honorary inscriptionNatural HistoryPlinius Maior, Naturalis Historia 7.133: Pherenike/ Callipateira and the Olympic victories of her relativesPlinius Maior, Naturalis Historia 7.133: Pherenike/ Callipateira and the Olympic victories of her relativesPlinius Maior, Naturalis Historia 7.133: Pherenike/ Callipateira and the Olympic victories of her relativesType:Natural HistoryVictory epigramPosidippus, Hippica AB 78: three generations of victorious Ptolemaic royal women in the Olympic chariot-racesPosidippus, Hippica AB 78: three generations of victorious Ptolemaic royal women in the Olympic chariot-racesPosidippus, Hippica AB 78: three generations of victorious Ptolemaic royal women in the Olympic chariot-racesType:Victory epigramvictory inscriptionSEG 35.933: victory inscription of an unknown victress on ChiosSEG 35.933: victory inscription of an unknown victress on ChiosSEG 35.933: victory inscription of an unknown victress on ChiosType:victory inscription