TAM V.976: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Iulia Menogenidos
TAM V.976: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Iulia Menogenidos
under Hadrian/Antoninus Pius (between 117 and 161 CE)
honorary inscription
Source Type
Other editions include: IGR IV.1238.
See also Mantas 1995, 138, no. 7; Begass 2025, 179, no. 14.
See also Mantas 1995, 138, no. 7; Begass 2025, 179, no. 14.
ll. 13–17
(The city of the Thyateira honours Ti(berius) Claudius Menogenes Caecilianus, the son of Cl(audius) Sokrates Sakerdotianus and) Iul(ia) Menogenis, who has erected the colonnade of her hometown, agonothetis and stephanephoros and prytanis, daughter of the city, natural daughter of Menogenes, the agonothetes and stephanephoros and prytanis.
(The city of the Thyateira honours Ti(berius) Claudius Menogenes Caecilianus, the son of Cl(audius) Sokrates Sakerdotianus and) Iul(ia) Menogenis, who has erected the colonnade of her hometown, agonothetis and stephanephoros and prytanis, daughter of the city, natural daughter of Menogenes, the agonothetes and stephanephoros and prytanis.
Translation used
translation by Christoph Begass for the Cynisca project
ll. 13–17
… Ἰουλ. Μηνογενίδος τῆς ἀνα|θείσης τοὺς ξυστοὺς τῆι πατρίδι ἀγωνοθέτι|δος καὶ στεφανηφόρου καὶ πρυτάνεως, θυγα|τρὸς τῆς πόλεως, φύσει δὲ Μηνογένους ἀγω|νοθέτου καὶ στεφανηφόρου καὶ πρυτάνεως…
… Ἰουλ. Μηνογενίδος τῆς ἀνα|θείσης τοὺς ξυστοὺς τῆι πατρίδι ἀγωνοθέτι|δος καὶ στεφανηφόρου καὶ πρυτάνεως, θυγα|τρὸς τῆς πόλεως, φύσει δὲ Μηνογένους ἀγω|νοθέτου καὶ στεφανηφόρου καὶ πρυτάνεως…
Edition used
P. Hermann (ed.), Tituli Asiae Minoris, V.2: Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti. Regio septentrionalis ad occidentem vergens, Vienna 1989.
C. Begass, Zwischen Stadt und Stadion. Die Agonothesie in der griechisch-römischen Welt vom Hellenismus bis zum Ende der Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 2025.
R. Cagnat et al. (eds.), Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes IV, Paris 1927. (=IGR IV)
K. Mantas, Women and Athletics in the Roman East, Nikephoros 8, 1995, 125–144.
R. Cagnat et al. (eds.), Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes IV, Paris 1927. (=IGR IV)
K. Mantas, Women and Athletics in the Roman East, Nikephoros 8, 1995, 125–144.
“TAM V.976: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Iulia Menogenidos,” Cynisca: Documenting Women and Girls in Ancient Greek Sports, accessed February 2, 2025, https://fdz.bib.uni-mannheim.de/cynisca/items/show/151.