SEG 15.532 with restorations by Begass: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Claudia Hedeia


SEG 15.532 with restorations by Begass: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Claudia Hedeia


1st half of the 1st cent. CE


honorary inscription

Source Type



Other editions include: Graf 1985, 458, I.Ch. 79

See also Mantas 1995, 137, no. 1; Begass 2025, 150–51; 178, no. 1.


ll. 1–8:
The demos honoured Claudia Hedeia, daughter of [– – –] with a golden crown; she has served as gymnasiarch four times and has twice delivered oil to the city on occasion of the festival of the Herakleian games and having served four(?) times as agonothetis of the Herakleia and Rhomaia and as basilissa of the Thirteen Cities of the Ionian League ...

Translation used

translation by Christoph Begass for the Cynisca project


ll. 1–8:
[Ὁ δῆμος ἐτείμησε χρυσῷ στ]ε[φάν]ῳ̣ Κλα̣υ̣δί|[αν τοῦ δεῖνος θυ]γ̣ατ̣έρα Ἡ̣δ̣ῆ̣α̣ν γ[υμ]νασιαρ-|[χήσασαν τε]τράκις καὶ δὶς ἀλ̣είψασαν τὴν | [πόλιν κατὰ τ]ὴν τῶν Ἡρακλήων ἀγώνων πανή|[γυριν, καὶ τετρά?]κ̣ις ἀγωνοθετήσασαν τῶν Ἡρα|[κλήων καὶ Ῥωμ]αίων καὶ Καισαρήων, καὶ βασιλεύσα|[σαν τοῦ τριακα]ιδεκαπολειτικοῦ τῶν Ἰώνων | [κοινοῦ]…

Edition used

J.J.E. Hondius et al. (eds.), Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden 1923- (with restorations by Begass).


C. Begass, Zwischen Stadt und Stadion. Die Agonothesie in der griechisch-römischen Welt vom Hellenismus bis zum Ende der Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 2025.

F. Graf, Nordionische Kulte: Religionsgeschichtliche und epigraphische Untersuchungen zu den Kulten von Chios, Erythrai, Klazomenai und Phokaia, Rome 1985.

K. Mantas, Women and Athletics in the Roman East, Nikephoros 8, 1995, 125–144.




“SEG 15.532 with restorations by Begass: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Claudia Hedeia,” Cynisca: Documenting Women and Girls in Ancient Greek Sports, accessed February 23, 2025,

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