Zoumbaki, ZPE 99, 1993: the victory inscription of Cassia
Zoumbaki, ZPE 99, 1993: the victory inscription of Cassia
21 CE
victory inscription
Source Type
Other editions include: IvO 233; Pariente1990, 746–748; SEG 44-389.
Dittenberger (IvO 233), followed by Moretti 1957, 866, originally dated the fragmentary inscription to the second century AD. The second part of the inscription was found during excavations in Olympia (Pariente 1990, 746–748). A new edition was published by Zoumbaki 1993, who dates Cassia’s victory to 21 AD.
Dittenberger (IvO 233), followed by Moretti 1957, 866, originally dated the fragmentary inscription to the second century AD. The second part of the inscription was found during excavations in Olympia (Pariente 1990, 746–748). A new edition was published by Zoumbaki 1993, who dates Cassia’s victory to 21 AD.
Cassia, dauther of Marcus Vettulenus Laetus, won the Olympian four-foal chariot race in the 200th Olympiad. (Dedicated) to Zeus Olympios.
Translation used
translation by Melanie Meaker for the Cynisca project
Κασία Μ[άρκου? Β]ετληνοῦ
Λαίτου θ̣[υγάτη]ρ̣ νικήσασα
Ὀλύμπι[α τεθρί]ππωι πω-
λικῶι ἐ[πὶ τῆς] Σ Ὀλυμ-
πίαδος [Διὶ Ὀλ]υμπίωι
Λαίτου θ̣[υγάτη]ρ̣ νικήσασα
Ὀλύμπι[α τεθρί]ππωι πω-
λικῶι ἐ[πὶ τῆς] Σ Ὀλυμ-
πίαδος [Διὶ Ὀλ]υμπίωι
Edition used
S. Zoumbaki, Zu einer neuen Inschrift aus Olympia: Die Familie der Vettuleni von Elis, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 99, 1993, 227–232.
W. Dittenberger, K. Purgold (eds.), Die Inschriften von Olympia, Berlin 1896. (= IvO)
J.J.E. Hondius et al. (eds.), Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden 1923-. (=SEG)
L. Moretti, Olympionikai: i vincitori negli antichi agoni olimpici, Rome 1957.
A. Pariente, Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques en Grèce en 1983, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 114, 1990, 703–850.
J.J.E. Hondius et al. (eds.), Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden 1923-. (=SEG)
L. Moretti, Olympionikai: i vincitori negli antichi agoni olimpici, Rome 1957.
A. Pariente, Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques en Grèce en 1983, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 114, 1990, 703–850.
Olympia (Elis)
“Zoumbaki, ZPE 99, 1993: the victory inscription of Cassia,” Cynisca: Documenting Women and Girls in Ancient Greek Sports, accessed February 2, 2025, https://fdz.bib.uni-mannheim.de/cynisca/items/show/127.