26 - 33 of 33 results
You searched for: Tags: exercise
Type Subject Identifier Title
  • Rhetorical handbook
Pseudo-Dionysius Halicarnassensis, 1. Panegyricus 5: sport and masculinity Pseudo-Dionysius Halicarnassensis, 1. Panegyricus 5: sport and masculinity 
  • Medicine, health advice
Soranus, Gynaecia 1.22–23: effect of exercise on the mensesSoranus, <span>Gynaecia</span> 1.22–23: effect of exercise on the menses
  • Encyclopedia
Suda s.v. Lycurgus (Λ824): Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaSuda s.v. Lycurgus (Λ824): Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in Sparta
  • Biography
Suetonius, Domitianus 4: the Capitolia in RomeSuetonius, Domitianus 4: the Capitolia in Rome
  • poetry / scholion
Theocritus, Idyllia 18.22–25 with the scholion: female athletics in SpartaTheocritus, Idyllia 18.22–25 with the scholion: female athletics in Sparta
  • Historigraphy
Thucydides, Historiae 3.104.3–5: spectators at the Delian games and another festival in EphesusThucydides, Historiae 3.104.3–5: spectators at the Delian games and another festival in Ephesus
  • treatise on economics
Xenophon, Oeconomicus 10.11: appropriate forms of female exerciseXenophon, Oeconomicus 10.11: appropriate forms of female exercise
  • Political philosophy
Xenophon, Res Publica Lacedaemoniorum 1.3-4: Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in SpartaXenophon, Res Publica Lacedaemoniorum 1.3-4: Lycurgus and the introduction of female athletics in Sparta