I.Erythrai 60: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Antonia Tyrannis Iuliane


I.Erythrai 60: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Antonia Tyrannis Iuliane


under Hadrian (between 117 and 138 CE)


honorary inscription

Source Type



Other editions include: IGR IV.1542.

See also Mantas 1995, 138, no. 3; Begass 2025, 179, no. 13.


The fatherland and the thymelic association (of the Dionysiac artists) honored Antonia Tyrannis Iuliane who has performed the agonothesia of the Megala Hadrianeia Epibateria gloriously and trustworthy. She set up the statue from her own funds.

Translation used

translation by Christoph Begass for the Cynisca project


ἡ πατρὶς καὶ ἡ ἱερὰ | θυμελικὴ σύνο|δος ἐτείμησαν | Ἀντωνίαν Τυρα̣ννί|δα Ἰου[λια]νὴν ἀγωνο|θετήσασαν τῶν Με|γάλων Ἁδριανείων | Ἐπιβατηρίων ἐνδόξως | καὶ πιστῶς, τὸν ἀν|δριάντα ἀναστήσασαν | ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων.

Edition used

H. Engelmann, R. Merkelbach (eds.), Die Inschriften von Erythrai und Klazomenai I–II (Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien 1–2), Bonn 1972–1973.


C. Begass, Zwischen Stadt und Stadion. Die Agonothesie in der griechisch-römischen Welt vom Hellenismus bis zum Ende der Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 2025.

R. Cagnat et al. (eds.), Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes IV, Paris 1927. (=IGR IV)

K. Mantas, Women and Athletics in the Roman East, Nikephoros 8, 1995, 125–144.




“I.Erythrai 60: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Antonia Tyrannis Iuliane,” Cynisca: Documenting Women and Girls in Ancient Greek Sports, accessed February 2, 2025, https://fdz.bib.uni-mannheim.de/cynisca/items/show/153.

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