TAM V.2.972: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Claudia Ammion
TAM V.2.972: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Claudia Ammion
1st cent. CE?
honorary inscription
Source Type
Other editions include: IGR IV.1242.
See also Mantas 1995, 139, no. 19; Siekierka – Stebnicka – Wolicki 2021, 886, no. 804; Begass 2025, 165; 179, no. 6.
See also Mantas 1995, 139, no. 19; Siekierka – Stebnicka – Wolicki 2021, 886, no. 804; Begass 2025, 165; 179, no. 6.
(The guild of) the dyers honoured (her) and set up from their own funds (the statue of) Claudia Ammion, daughter of Metrodoros Lepidus, wife of Tiberius Claudius Antyllos, who was gymnasiarch three times. She is priestess of the emperors and high-priestess of the city for life, has served as agonothetis gloriously and with great munificence, and she excels in chastity and wisdom.
Translation used
translation by Christoph Begass for the Cynisca project
Οἱ βαφεῖς ἐτείμησαν κα̣[ὶ] | ἀνέθηκαν ἐκ τῶν ἰδίω̣ν | Κλαυδίαν Ἄμμιον Μητρο|δώρου Λεπιδᾶ θυγατέρα, | γυναῖκα δὲ Τιβερίου Κλαυδίου | Ἀντύλλου τοῦ τρὶς γυμνα|σιάρχου, τ[ὴ]ν ἱέρειαν τῶν | Σεβαστῶν καὶ ἀρχιέρειαν | τῆς πόλεως [δ]ιὰ βίου, ἀγωνο|θετήσασαν λαμπρῶς καὶ | πολυδαπάνως ἁγνείᾳ καὶ | σωφροσύνῃ διαφέρουσαν.
Edition used
P. Hermann (ed.), Tituli Asiae Minoris, V.2:Tituli Lydiae linguis Graeca et Latina conscripti. Regio septentrionalis ad occidentem vergens, Vienna 1989.
C. Begass, Zwischen Stadt und Stadion. Die Agonothesie in der griechisch-römischen Welt vom Hellenismus bis zum Ende der Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 2025.
R. Cagnat et al. (eds.), Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes IV, Paris 1927. (=IGR IV)
K. Mantas, Women and Athletics in the Roman East, Nikephoros 8, 1995, 125–144.
P. Siekierka, K. Stebnicka, A. Wolicki (eds.), Women and the Polis: Public Honorific Inscriptions for Women in the Greek Cities from the Late Classical to the Roman Period I, Berlin – Boston 2021.
R. Cagnat et al. (eds.), Inscriptiones graecae ad res romanas pertinentes IV, Paris 1927. (=IGR IV)
K. Mantas, Women and Athletics in the Roman East, Nikephoros 8, 1995, 125–144.
P. Siekierka, K. Stebnicka, A. Wolicki (eds.), Women and the Polis: Public Honorific Inscriptions for Women in the Greek Cities from the Late Classical to the Roman Period I, Berlin – Boston 2021.
“TAM V.2.972: honorary inscription of the agonothetis Claudia Ammion,” Cynisca: Documenting Women and Girls in Ancient Greek Sports, accessed February 23, 2025, https://fdz.bib.uni-mannheim.de/cynisca/items/show/146.