IG II² 2314 + Tracy – Habicht, Hesperia 60, 1991, 189–190: Panathenaic victor lists


IG II² 2314 + Tracy – Habicht, Hesperia 60, 1991, 189–190: Panathenaic victor lists


182/81 and 178/77 BCE (?)


victor list


Tracy and Habicht, Hesperia 60, 1991, 218, tentatively date the incription as follows:
Col. I: 182/1 BCE (?)
Col. II: 178/7 BCE (?)

On Col. II: It remains unclear, in which discipline Hermione achieved her second victory at the Panathenaia. Tracy and Habicht, who have supplemented [κέλητι πωλικῶι] for l. 94, note that this reconstruction is arbitrary (p. 222).

The sisters Hermione and Zeuxo are also recorded as victresses in IG II² 2313. Since the whole family was very active in the hippic events at the Panathenaia, the reconstruction of their names is plausible.

See also SEG 41-114.


Col. I, ll. 47-54
in the two-foal chariot race:
unknown, daughter of Mnasiadas of Argos
in the four-foal chariot race:
Zeuxo, daughter of Polykrates of Argos
in the horse race:
unknown, daughter of …ades of Alexandria
in the two-horse chariot race
unknown, daughter of unknown of Argos

Col. II, ll. 94-95
in an unkown discipline:
Hermione, daughter of Polykrates of Argos

Translation used

translation by Melanie Meaker for the Cynisca project


Col. I, ll. 47–54
συνωρίδι πωλικεῖ
[— — — Μνασι]άδα Ἀργεία ἀπ’ Ἀχαιίας
     [ἅ]ρματι πωλικῶι
[Ζευξὼ Πολυκρ]άτου Ἀργεία ἀπ’ Ἀχαιίας
     [κέ]λητι τελείωι
— — —  — — άδου Ἀλεξανδρῖτις
     [συνω]ρίδι τελείαι
— — —  — — — Ἀργεία ἀπ’ Ἀχαιίας

Col. II, ll. 94–95
[— — —]
Ἑρμιόνη Π[ολυκράτου Ἀργεία ἀπ᾽ Ἀχαιίας]

Edition used

J. Kirchner (ed.), Inscriptiones Graecae, II²: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores, II: Tabulas magistratuum, catalogos nominum, instrumenta iuris privati continens, Berlin 1927–1931.

S. V. Tracy, C. Habicht, New and Old Panathenaic Victor Lists, Hesperia 60, 1991, 187–236.


J.J.E. Hondius et al. (eds.), Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden 1923-. (=SEG)





“IG II² 2314 + Tracy – Habicht, Hesperia 60, 1991, 189–190: Panathenaic victor lists,” Cynisca: Documenting Women and Girls in Ancient Greek Sports, accessed February 23, 2025, https://fdz.bib.uni-mannheim.de/cynisca/items/show/133.

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