Harries, J., Favor populi. Pagans, Christians and public entertainment in late antique Italy, in: K. Lomas, T. Cornell (eds.), „Bread and circuses“. Euergetism and municipal patronage in Roman Italy, London/ New York 2003, 125-141
Harries, J., Favor populi. Pagans, Christians and public entertainment in late antique Italy, in: K. Lomas, T. Cornell (eds.), „Bread and circuses“. Euergetism and municipal patronage in Roman Italy, London/ New York 2003, 125-141
Book Title Chapter
“Bread and circuses“. Euergetism and municipal patronage in Roman Italy
IV.3 Sport and society in the Roman Empire (Late Republican and Imperial period)
Chapter Title
Favor populi. Pagans, Christians and public entertainment in late antique Italy
Lomas, K./ Cornell, T.
Included in bibliography of this year?
Pages Chapter
Publisher chapter
London/ New York: Routledge
Record number book
Series chapter
Routledge classical monographs