French, D. R., Christian Emperors and Pagan Spectacles. The Secularization of the “Ludi“ A. D. 382-525, Diss. University of California 1985, pp. XII, 238
French, D. R., Christian Emperors and Pagan Spectacles. The Secularization of the “Ludi“ A. D. 382-525, Diss. University of California 1985, pp. XII, 238
IV.3 Sport and society in the Roman Empire (Late Republican and Imperial period)
Included in bibliography of this year?
Diss. University of California, Berkeley / Ann Arbor: Univerisity Microfilms
Title book
Christian Emperors and Pagan Ppectacles. The Secularization of the “Ludi“ A. D. 382-525